LLM Quantum Aeon: A story written by alien intelligence A story to read or to listen, written about and by alien intelligence.
AI Art Exploring another planet: AI-generated Nature Photography Discovering an alien planet using AI photography with midjourney 5.
GPT-4 Journey into the Dreamhold: Testing GPT-4's General Intelligence Through a Text Adventure Quest Exploring GPT-4's General Intelligence. How GPT-4 tackles the challenges of an interactive text adventure.
AI Art Museum of imaginary art A museum with artists imagined by GPT-3 and artworks created by Midjourney.
machine learning Building a text generation model from scratch In this blogpost I am going to code a text generation model from scratch, based on the transformer architecture.
Music Generation GPT-3 as a muse: generating lyrics Using a finetuned version of GPT-3 to write lyrics in the preferred style.
Music Generation Music Generation - AI Song Contest 2021 How we created a song for the AI Song Contest 2021 with the help of transformers and other music generation techniques.
machine learning Solving Lunar Lander using DQN with Keras Solving the OpenAI gym LunarLander environment with the help of DQN implemented with Keras.
Blogging Starting a self-hosted Ghost blog A guide for setting up your own self-hosted Ghost CMS blog on Ubuntu 20.04 using Docker Compose.
python Programming Carcassonne I describe my process of programming the board game Carcassonne in Python, and my preparations for using this game as a reinforcement learning environment.